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Air Duct Cleaning in Chicago,IL

The Air That We Breathe

Most people are now aware that indoor air pollution is an issue of growing concern and increased visibility. Indoor air has become a major issue in today's health conscious culture.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the air inside U.S. homes may be two to five times more polluted than outdoor air, and in some cases as much as 100 times more polluted than outdoor air.

Most of the dust in your home contains mold, mildew, dust mites, pollen and animal dander. These pollutants circulate through the air, and can aggravate breathing problems like allergies and asthma.
Air conditioning and ventilation systems in homes and businesses are known breeding areas for contaminants like molds, fungus, and bacteria. Since conditions in every home are different, it is impossible to generalize about whether or not air duct cleaning in your home would be beneficial. That's why it is important to know about the potential benefits and possible problems of air duct cleaning.
Surface cleaning by itself is not effective on dirty, clogged air ducts. Dust, bacteria, and other debris continue to lie in wait-ready to dislodge back into your home or office until you contact air duct cleaning services.

Call Chicago Carpet Cleaning today to enhance your indoor air quality. Give yourself peace of mind and the great health benefits of breathing clean, uncontaminated air.

Air Duct Cleaning Professionals

Chicago Carpet Cleaning offers professional air duct cleaning services for your homes and commercial air duct cleaning services for your business. We respectfully ask you to seriously consider if you are concerned about your indoor air quality.

Before anything else: It is important to be absolutely sure there are an accumulated amount of contaminated substances in air ducts before you decide to clean them.

Your air duct system functions as the respiratory system of your home. When it becomes contaminated and congested, it should be cleaned so it can "breathe" normally and efficiently, again. If your home's respiratory system gets contaminated, so does your body's.

Air ducts should be cleaned occasionally

On the average, your ducts should be cleaned at least every 3 to 5 years.

We use the latest air duct cleaning equipment that removes contaminants by simultaneously power brushing and vacuuming air ducts. Pollutants are removed from every hidden nook and cranny-assuring you of clean, healthy air supply.

At Chicago Carpet Cleaning we make sure that all contaminants are gathered outside the premises and transported to an authorized dumping site. We provide commercial air duct cleaning, and we can treat domestic or industrial ventilation systems.

Our duct cleaning process will also sanitize the system, leading to optimal health benefits for you and your loved ones.

We also service system blower fans, coils, and drain pans.

And here's an added bonus: When you remove dirt buildup, blockages and debris from ducts, you can actually improve airflow. That means increased heating and cooling efficiency, which translates into lowered energy costs.

Contact us for a free estimate.

Four Steps to Cleaner Indoor Air

Keep your home as clean as possible-keeping ahead of dust and dust mites can dramatically improve the air you breathe. Dusting window treatments, around window and door trim and out or reach areas can be very helpful. Use a vacuum cleaner that utilizes a HEPA type filter so that as you are cleaning you're not just ejecting the dust back into the air. Also think about a bag-free vacuum cleaner to avoid the cloud of dust that forms whenever you change a bag.

If you have a forced air heating system have the air ducts cleaned and sealed internally. Have your air ducts cleaned every 3-5 years by a qualified professional air duct cleaning service.

Upgrade the air filters on your furnace. For most of us the furnace filter is a spun glass filter that cost less than a dollar. While this filter protects the blower motor, it will do almost nothing when it comes to improving you indoor air quality. Upgrade to a pleated filter that captures smaller particles-some so small that your naked eye cannot see them. There are many brands available, American Filter and 3M, to name a couple. The key is to change them regularly.

Consider installing an indoor air purifier. Do your homework before buying, investigating the merits of different models for your particular needs. You might find it helpful to browse the AHAM Air Cleaner council ( site, which is part of the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers.

Many manufacturers will offer a free trial run with air purifier units for up to 30 days. By that time you will know if you are breathing easier and if the unit is worth the investment.

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